Category Archives: News & Announcements

All change

Dan looks to the leftYou may have noticed that I’ve barely updated the blog in ages. There are many reasons for this, but let’s not worry too much about that. It’s time to look towards… THE FUTURE.

The all-new, all-singing-and-dancing WORLDOFPABLO.COM is coming very soon. I’ll even be writing far more frequently on the blog itself.

In the meantime, you can also follow me on Twitter…

See you soon!

Quick announcement: Pablo returns

Well would you believe it.

It’s been getting on for three years, but – at last! – I’m coming back to the UK, if only for a quick visit. Basically I need to sort out some administrative red tape and visa stuff so will be flying over on 2nd June, returning to India on the 18th.

Happily enough, my visit also coincides with Mum’s 60th birthday – result!

I’ll be spreading myself between London and Norwich, so if you’re around, get in touch and we’ll meet up. I’m really looking forward to catching up with everyone.

Cheers, Paul

Off Trekking

Well… I’m going to be away for the next 16-18 days off on some comedy Himalayan trek with Matt. I picked him up at the airport this morning and we’re off on a bus to the trailhead early tomorrow.

I’ll post lots of pictures once we get back… see you soon and wish us luck!


Just to let you know, since I’m in Nepal I can’t be reached on my Indian phone number… So if you want to get in touch, best to email or post comments on the blog.  I’ll let you know once normal service is resumed… Cheers!